Kristine W answered our questions ! An interview beyond the Atlantic Ocean.
How did you start your artistic career?
I started my musical career singing in Church with my guitar at age 8 during the passing of the offering plate. My Grandma Mauriel during the week would escort me to nursing homes where I had a captive audience and people who wanted to chat with and encourage me. Since they didn't see many young people, they were always very happy when I showed up to sing. I had a unique and powerful voice for my age and my Grandmother taught me a new hymn to sing every week so I always had new material to choose from. This was very pivotal. I overcame stage fright at a young age because of these regular performances.
What is the story of your first single " Feel What You Want "?
" Feel What You Want " was written during a time of grief. My step-father and mentor passed away unexpectantly, I was In the process of breaking up with my first real love, I had graduated from UNLV and I was totally overwhelmed by the task of being a young female Band leader in Vegas, and a female impersonator I was close to died from Aids with none of his family around just us show kids. When he came out they wrote him off. I was processing all of this loss. I didn't have anyone to talk to because all the band leaders I knew were guys and we were competing for gigs . All of my musicians were guys and employees and my 2 female vocalists were basically there to make a buck and have some laughs. It didn't seem like anyone was serious about writing songs and making records. I literally accepted the invite to London to record because I was thinking of moving to Germany and or London to find people that were serious about making great music and I knew thats where Donna Summer went to jump start her career. She's always been my Idol since childhood so it made sense.
You are a real dance icon. How does it feel to have so much singles in the US Dance Top 5?
The first time I heard that I had 20 something top 5 Dance records I just froze. It seemed overwhelming even though I knew it was tangible. When I'm making records and performing I loose track of time and numbers, I’m just living In the moment . When I receive an honor like Billboards #8 Greatest Artist of all time. I just cry my eyes out because then accolade becomes real to me and reminds me of how tough the journeys been and how many amazing people have helped me along the path.
Your new single is called " Out There ". What this song is about?
“ Out There “ is a song about walking away from all you know to get out there and experience a new journey and new relationships . Exploring life, the world, religion, all that binds us but also separates us. Freeing up your mind and spirit to go out of your comfort zone. Maybe your destiny or great love is Out There and you haven't reached out to see whats Out There for you.
How would you present us the video clip of this song?
The video has my lead dancers Jeff and Shawn dancing in all of these cool locations around the world. The director used an effect he calls ironing to get the futuristic elements tied into the look.
Is it the first step to a new album coming soon?
Yes, we have a new album coming. There are amazing producers from Holland, Belgium, UK, US, and more so very international. We are working on remixes for the next single now.
How would you define your relation with the GAY community?
My relationship with the Gay community has been a huge blessing. God knew I needed an army of soldiers to get my message of Love, Hope, Faith and Tolerance out to the world and he bound us together LOL.
Would you be interested by participating to a TV show such as Dance with the stars or being a judge in The Voice?
Yes those shows are fun and can be a great tool for young artists In a business that is sooooo tough to navigate !!!
With whom would you like to share a duet?
I would love to do a duet with Sam Smith. His voice is just beautiful.
What would be your most amazing performance in your career?
I think when I sank the National Anthem for the Seattle Seahawks Christmas Bowl for 75,000 people. It was Christmas so the stadium was beautiful. My family was watching. My mom was there holding the hands of my 2 little kids all dressed up watching me from the sidelines. I was in my Home state with lots of friends and family in the audience that were so proud of me. I had to sing accapella no accompaniment. It was so loud I could not hear myself think or find my note but suddenly they handed me the mike and the song just came out of me and soared over the thousands of people and you could hear a pin drop. That was really a testament to the power of Music.
What are your further projects?
I am working on a live Jazz album called " Live from The Jazz Cafe " and also a new single called " STARZ " and a new album that we are still not sure what we are going to call. LOL
Kristine W - Out There (Original Moto Blanco Mix)
Music video by Kristine W performing Out There (Original Moto Blanco Mix). (C) 2016 Fly Again Music